Monday, 21 January 2019

Tenali Raman best story

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Arabic horse

One day in the court of Maharaja Krishna Deva Rai, a merchant comes to sell horses of one Arab territory. By conveying his horse, Maharaj convinces Lord Krishna to buy all the horses and sells his horse. Now the horses of the Maharaj are so many horses that they do not save the place to keep them, so many horses are given to the common citizens of Vijaynagar and some people of the Rajdarbar for three months to take care of the order of the king. Every single caregiver is given a gold coin per month for horse keeping expenses and training.

Like all the citizens of Vijayanagar, Chasur Tenaliram was given a horse too. Tenaliram took the horse home and built a small mansion behind the house and tied it. And he started feeding a small quantity of food every day with a small window of the horse.

The rest of the people also started playing the responsibility given by Maharaj Krishna Deva Rai. Do not let the king become angry and do not punish him; With this fear all the people cut their stomach and started feeding the horse to a fine fodder.

Three months passed by doing this. On the day of the day, all the citizens take a horse and get together before Lord Krishna Deva Rai. But Tenaliram comes empty handed. Rajguru asks reasons for not bringing the horse to Tenaliram. Tenaliram answers in the north that the horse has become very big and dangerous, and he does not want to go near that horse himself. Rajguru, Maharaja Krishna Deva Rai is saying that Tenaliram is lying. Maharaj Krishna Deva Rai send truth to Tara Ram Rajam to Rajguru and to find out the truth.

Seeing a small horse behind the house of Tenaliram, Rajguru says that hey idiot you call this little cottage a horse? Tenaliram says with great discretion Rajguru is sorry I am not a scholar like you. Please see the horse first by peeping from the window. And after that step inside the horse.

As soon as Rajguru peeks inside the window, the horse grabs his beard by seizing it. People start accumulating Even after hard work, the hungry horse does not leave the beard of Rajguru. Finally, breaking the cottage, cutting off the beard of Rajguru with a strong weapon, they are redeemed from the clutches of the horse. Troubled Rajguru and Chasur Tenaliram take the hungry horse and reach the king.

Seeing the weak condition of the horse, Maharaj Krishnadev Rai asks Tennialiram for its reason. Tenaliram says that I used to give the horse a little bit of food every day, just as the poor people of your country do a little food. And due to less facility than needed, the horse became worried and worn out. Just as the people of your family, in addition to the responsibility of fostering the family, got burdened with the burden of handling the horses.

The duty of the king is to protect the people. Do not put too much burden on them. The horse became stronger by ordering the horse to be given to you, but your people have become weak. Maharaj Krishnadev Rai is able to understand this story of Tenaliram, and he gives prizes to Tanisha Ram, praising him.
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