Monday, 21 January 2019

Hawk flight - motivational story

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Chuktaa and licked all day long like it. Just like the rest of the chicks, he also flew just a little over, and the wings could come down and flutter. Then one day he saw an eagle flying in the open sky; Then he asked other chicks, "Who is that great bird flying so high?"

Then the chicks said - "Hey hey, King of the birds, he is very powerful and huge, but you can not fly like him because you are a chick!"

The child of the hawk believed it to be true and never tried to be that way. He lived like a chicks throughout his life, and one day died without even knowing his true strength.

Friends, many of us continue to live a second-class life without knowing our true potential, just like that hawk, the mediocrity around us makes us even mediocre. We forget that we can with There is a creature full of Nothing is impossible for us in this world, but still we lose such a big chance of living an average life.

Do not make you like chicks, on your own, trust your skills. Wherever you are, in the environment, identify your abilities and fly over the heights of the sky because this is your reality.
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