Monday, 21 January 2019

Rasagulle root

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Rasagulle root

An Iranian Sheikh trader from Middle Eastern country comes as a guest of Maharaja Krishnadev Rai. Maharaj honors his guest in a grand manner and arranges for his good eating and living, as well as many other facilities.

On one meal, the Chef's Chef Shek makes rosets for the businessman. The trader says that he does not have to eat rasgulla. But if possible, let them know what is the root of Rasgulla. The chef gets into thinking. On occasions, Maharaj tells Krishnadev Rai the merchant's demand. To capture the root of Maharaj Rasgulla, his clever minister called Tenaliram.

Tenaliram accepts the offer of challenge to find the root of Rasgulla. He demands an empty bowl and sharp knife and demands a day's time from the chef.

On the next day, the robe filled with pieces of Rasgulla root, brought in a cloth covered with muslin, and the Iranian Sheikh, sitting in the Raj Darbar, gives to the trader and asks him to remove the cloth and see the root of Rasgulla. Iranian traders are shocked to see the pieces of sugarcane in the bowl. And all the court officials and Maharaj Krishnadev Rai ask Tenniliram what is this?

Clever Taneliram explains that every sweet dish is made of sugar and Sugarcane is the source of sugar. For this reason the root of Rasgulla is sugarcane. From this mathematics of Tenaliram, all the Darbari, Iranian merchants and Maharaj Krishnadev Rai get flamy and laugh. And also agree with the logic of Tenaliram.
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