Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Current affairs


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Saturday, 23 February 2019

Motivational story

इस दुनिया में कोई ऐसा मुक़ाम या मंज़िल ऐसी नहीं है जो इंसान की पहुँच से दूर हो। बिल गेट्स, स्टीव जॉव, माइकल जैक्सन, सचिन तेंदुलकर, नेल्सन मंडेला आदि जितने भी सफ़ल और इतिहास बदलने वाले लोग इस दुनियाँ में हुए है, क्या आप जानते है कि इन सभी लोगो की सफ़लता का राज़ क्या है? ये सभी अलग-अलग जगहों से आकर अलग-अलग क्षेत्र में सफ़लता के नए शीर्ष स्थापित करने वाले लोग है। लेकिन इन सभी की सफ़लता के पीछे एक ही कारण रहा है, और वो ये है कि इन सभी व्यक्तियों ने कभी ये नहीं सोचा कि “मैं ये काम नहीं कर सकता।” बल्कि इन्होंने अपने मन मे ये सोच लिया था कि “इसे सिर्फ़ मैं ही कर सकता हूँ। “और “मेरा इस दुनियाँ में जन्म ही इस काम को करने के लिए हुआ है।” इनके इसी विश्वास ने इन्हें दुनियाँ के सबसे सफ़ल व्यक्तियों में से एक बना दिया और इन्होंने इसी सोच और ताकत के दम पर पूरी दुनियाँ में एक बार फिर से इस सच को साबित कर दिया कि इंसान जो भी चाहे कर सकता है, बस जरूरत है एक दृढ़ सोच की और कभी ना टूटने वाले हौसलें की।
तो दोस्तों अगर आपने भी कुछ मुक़ाम या लक्ष्य अपनी ज़िंदगी के लिए बनाया है तो बिना कुछ सोचे-समझे, बिना किसी की सुने उस लक्ष्य को, उस मुक़ाम को हासिल करने के लिए पूरी शिद्दत से जुट जाइये और अपने मन मे ये निश्चय कर लीजिए कि जब तक मैं इस लक्ष्य को हासिल नहीं कर लेता तब तक मैं किसी के रोकने से भी नहीं रुकूँगा।
इसी क्रम में दोस्तो आज हम आपके लिए लेकर आये है Best Quotes in Hindi, दुनियाँ के सफ़लतम लोगों के द्वारा उनके अनुभवों से निकली कुछ ऐसी प्रेरणादायक बातें जो कि आपके संघर्ष के समय मे आपको कभी हार ना मानने और मुश्किलों का डटकर सामना करने की हिम्मत देगी।

Motivational Quotes in Hindi

कुछ भी मुक़ाम हासिल करने के लिए आपको सिर्फ़ दो चीज़ें ही चाहिए, पहला तो दृढ़ निश्चय और दूसरा कभी ना टूटने वाला हौसला। फिर भी संघर्ष के रास्ते मे जब आपका हौसला टूटने लगे तो उस समय किसी ऐसे की जरूरत होती है जो कि आपको एक बार फिर से उठकर खड़े होने के लिए प्रेरित कर सके। इसीलिए आज हम यहाँ आपको सफ़ल और महान लोगो द्वारा दिये गए सफलता के कुछ ऐसे मूलमंत्रो को बताने वाले है जिन्हें आप अपने मुश्किल समय मे अपनी ताकत बना कर खुद को आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित कर सकते है।
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Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Story of panchtantra

તે સમયનો વિષય છે 4 મિત્રોએ દેવીઓની કઠોરતા અને ઈશ્વરની આશીર્વાદો દ્વારા તેમની ઇચ્છાઓને પરિપૂર્ણ કરવાનું વિચાર્યું છે. અને આ વિચાર કર્યા પછી, બધા ચાર મિત્રો જંગલમાં ગયા અને તપસ્યા કરવાનું શરૂ કર્યું. ભગવાન થોડા દિવસોની તીવ્રતાથી ખુશ હતા અને તેઓ તેમની આગળ દેખાયા અને કહ્યું, "હું ઇચ્છું છું કે તમે બધા તપસ્યાથી ખુશ રહો." તેથી સૌપ્રથમ કહ્યું કે ભગવાન મને આ જગતનો સૌથી આમિર માણસ બનાવે છે. જ્યારે ભગવાને અસ્પષ્ટતાને કહ્યું ત્યારે ચોથા મિત્રએ હસવું શરૂ કર્યું. પછી ભગવાનએ બીજા મિત્રને કહ્યું કે તમે જે કહો છો તે પણ તમારી સાથે ખુશ છે. બીજા મિત્રે કહ્યું, મને વિશ્વના સૌથી સુંદર માણસ બનાવો. જ્યારે ભગવાન ઓસ્ટ્રિશેસને કહ્યું, ત્યારે ચોથા મિત્ર ફરીથી હસવું શરૂ કર્યું.

પછી ભગવાનએ ત્રીજા મિત્રને કહ્યું કે તમે જે કહો છો તે તમારી સાથે પણ ખુશ છે. ત્રીજા મિત્રે કહ્યું, મને વિશ્વનો સૌથી મોટો વ્યક્તિ બનાવે છે. જ્યારે ભગવાન ઓસ્ટ્રિશેસને કહ્યું, ત્યારે ચોથા મિત્રએ મોટેથી હસવું શરૂ કર્યું. અન્ય ત્રણ મિત્રો તેની સાથે શું બન્યું તેના વિશે થોડું ચિંતિત હતા.

પછી ભગવાન ચોથા મિત્રને પૂછ્યું કે તમે શું પૂછો? ચોથા મિત્રે કહ્યું, "પ્રભુ, મારે બીજું કંઈ જોઈએ નથી, માત્ર તે જ રકમ આપો જે આ ત્રણ લોકો જેવા છે." ભગવાન આ સમય પણ કહ્યું, અને આ સમયે, ચાર જેવા હતા,

વાર્તાના નૈતિક -

આ વાર્તામાંથી આપણે જાણીએ છીએ કે કોઈની સાથે બર્ન કરીને આપણે તેમની પ્રગતિ બંધ કરી શકીએ છીએ, પરંતુ તેમની પ્રગતિ દ્વારા નહીં, જેમ કે ચોથા મિત્રએ પોતાને માટે સારી માંગણી કરી, તો ભગવાન તેને આપી દેશે, પણ જો તેણે પોતાનું બાળી નાખ્યું હોય ત્રણ મિત્રોને પણ નુકસાન થયું. તેથી મિત્રોએ અમને કોઈપણથી બળી જવું જોઈએ નહીં.
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Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Life Changing Motivational Speech

One thing I have learned from my experience - Success is never found in one stroke; Suddenly, you can not fulfill your dreams; Suddenly, you can not improve your relationships, you can not suddenly create your fitness .

You have a plan, what you want to get, where you want to go, how you reach, how much time you will have to catch, how long will it take, and how much hard work you have to do for it, you know all this needed.

Life Changing Motivational Speech

Water always flows downwards, but strong trees always grow upwards. Humans also always want to rise upwards, but think - about the branch of a broken tree flowing in the river, which side is it going on, on which side water flows, that means, downstairs and finally where Wherever the river takes it there, it does not know whether it will get the edge or not, and if it is found then what will it be like?

Life is also like this river, if you do not know where you have to go, what is your destination, what your goal is, then this life will take you along with you on a journey where it will not know where you are Whether you are reaching, whether you get anywhere or not, and if you reach there, in what condition you will be able to reach.

Therefore it is necessary to have a set target in life, without losing a lot of targets we lose our focus very quickly, every business has a mission statement, this mission statement tells us what is the work of that company, what is its target, In how much time he has to complete that target and reaching the position, this target will be completed.

In such a lifetime, there should be a mission statement, what is our target, how long it will have to be completed and after reaching it, it will be complete. All these plans have to be done.

Time goes on forever, life continues to grow, and with this our goals also change, but understand one thing only to change the targets and to change after the completion of targets - there is a difference in land between these two.

If only your targets are changing with life, then understand that life is taking you away with you and if you are setting your new targets after the targets are complete then you are living your life accordingly. .

So in the end, I remind you once again - it is important to have some targets in life, without which direction the river of life will be able to shed the river, no one can say it.
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Monday, 28 January 2019

My app policy

Privacy Policy

R.j.parmar built the Photo editor pro app as an Ad Supported app. This SERVICE is provided by R.j.parmar at no cost and is intended for use as is.
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This privacy policy page was created at privacypolicytemplate.net and modified/generated by App Privacy Policy Generator
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Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Motivational story 5

At one time, a person had a donkey. One day, the donkey fell into the donkey pothole, even after trying hard, he could not get out of the ass, then that person decided that this ass should be buried. After thinking that way, the person started to lay down the clay on the donkey. The donkey was sitting quietly for a while, but as soon as it got heavy over it, the soil started fluttering over it, when the clay came down, the donkey climbed on the ground. Went. While doing this for some time, the donkey came over the pitder and then went out of the pitder.
Friends also have 2 choices like that asshole
1- Either we should be submerged under the soil of the problem. If any problem arises, keep thinking about it and continue to worry.
2 - Or raise the problem to the soil and raise the CD upwards

Friends, nothing happens in life, we should learn from every problem and make life happy. The problem comes in everyone's life but our success and failure depends on the fact that how we deal with this problem. Did Abraham Problems in Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Abdul Klam, Narendra Modi etc. have not come into his life, Success of the great people depends on how they find solutions to the problem. Success Secrete is the only way to find solutions to every problem. Do not stay confused with the problem.

Every Lock has a key
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Motivational story 4

Today Rajesh and Pallavi had an atmosphere of happiness and why not even today, 5 years later their birth has been born. Both of them started thinking about his name and finally his name was kept. Rajesh and Pallavi have also seen many dreams about their children, both of them have already thought that they will make their son a Doctor.
As soon as the goal was 4 years old, admission was made in the good school of the city. The goal is very good painting since childhood. Nobody is sure that this painting is done by a 4 year old child.
The goal was also very good at reading. Always 1st in class. In class 11, he was to select subjects. He did not want to take biology to read it. Because his parents wanted him to become a doctor, but he wanted to be a painter. The goal is to talk to your parents, that they do not want to become a doctor. But her parents clearly say she will not allow her future to spoil her painting. Manny read the point of her parents' mind. The performance of the goal has already worsened in the performance. After class 12, the goal is to take admission in Medical College. By completing studies, the goal has also opened its clinic. After some time the goal got married and also a daughter. But painting his main goal, not only his mind, became a dream. But now the target was the goal of life. She could not do the work she did to her daughter. And the goal was to make his daughter a Painter, without knowing what his daughter wants to be.

Friends, we have already heard and read many things like this before. Many movies will also be seen as 3 Idiots, Taare zameen par | But when it comes to actually implementing children in our children, we begin to compaire our children or start thinking about what we did not do. Or what society will say etc. Now it is necessary to give full understanding to your children and give them freedom to choose their career of choice.

If we want to be successful in life (to be successful means to be happy, to be happy, to enjoy life, not just money) then do what we like. You must have heard about many people whose people first made fun of But today everyone wants to be like them. Like Sachin Tendulkar, Lata Mangeshkar, Sandeep Maheshwari, etc. etc. If their parents also made them instrument to go to any other field, then what would happen to them if you think yourself.
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Motivational story in English

There was a time in Govo, a cave in which people were known by the name of Death Cave. Nobody wanted to go around it too. And it was because that whatever went in the cave till now, never came back. People were scared of thinking about that cave.
Now about 300 people had gone in that cave and no one came back. There came a young man in the same village. And he did not believe in all these things that this is what happens in today's world. He decided he would go to that cave. But as soon as the people of the villages came to know that the young man is going to the cave. All of them got close to his house and began to understand why you want to go. If you go, you will not be able to come back.
But he did not listen to all those people and the next day he went right towards that cave. And after going inside the cave, there was a lot of darkness on going ahead. Slowly he came in quite a lot in the cave. At that time someone thought of him pitching and someone pushed him back. When the young man looked back and saw four men standing there. They closed it and took it to a place. He saw that place was very good and was equipped with all comforts.
Those 4 men told him that all of us also came in this cave. But it stopped after seeing such a beauty.
We pushed you to scare you. And that young man stopped at the same place. Some of the other singers have become convinced that no one comes back from that cave.
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Panchtantra story 8

It is a matter of time 4 friends have thought of doing Goddesses austerity and fulfilling their desires by God's blessings. And after thinking this, all four friends went out to the forest and started doing penance. God was pleased with the austerity of a few days and he appeared before them and said, "I wish you all are happy with the penance." So first said that God make me the most aamir man of this world. When God said the ostentation then the fourth friend started smiling. Then God said to another friend what you are saying is also happy with you. Another friend said, make me the world's most beautiful man. When God said the ostriches, then the fourth friend began to laugh again.
Then God said to a third friend what you are saying is also happy with you. The third friend said, make me the most hosier person in the world. When God said the ostriches, the fourth friend began to laugh loudly. The other three friends were slightly worried about what happened to it.
Then God said to the fourth friend what do you ask? The fourth friend said, "Lord, I do not want anything else, just give the same amount that these three people are like." God said this time also, and this time, the four were like,

Moral of the story -
From this story we get to learn that by burning with somebody we stop their advancement, but not by their advancement, like if the fourth friend took some good demand for himself, then God would give it to him, but if he had burnt his own three friends He also suffered losses. So friends should not burn us from anybody.
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Panchtantra story 7 Goofy ass

Goofy ass

It is a matter of time that a lion lived in a forest, now it had become very old, so he made a cunning fox as his minister and told him that you would arrange for me food. Fox came out to find food for the lion, found a thick ass on the road. Driver fox wondered why not make it a lion's food. He said to the donkey. Brother, you are very clever, you want to make your lion as a minister. The qualified minister like you will get them and say. First, the donkey is very scared that no lion should eat it. He has made the fox feel that it will not go in the lion near. The fox said to the donkey again. Hey asshole brother, you are so clever, diligent and clever. You should understand such a thing if you become the minister of the king of the jungle, then all will fear you and whatever you suspect your intellect is also silent. Why will you become a minister of the king of the jungle by your cleverness? Donkey did not hear so much praise in his entire life; he was so impressed with his praise that the lion got ready to go out. While the lion was sitting hungry ready, as soon as he saw the sucking ass, immediately killed him and ate it.
We should work wisely and should not be enthusiastic about listening to our praise. We all know how much we deserve to be praised.
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Victory is beyond fear

Victory is beyond fear

There was a time when there was a jackal in the forest. He was now a little old and did not know much, so there was a lot of difficulty in hunting him and many times he would have been hungry. It was a day's talk that Sheyar was going to know that a dead dog had fallen on that side. Sheyar was hungry for some days and decided to go with that direction. Weird voice was heard. The jackal got scared and changed his way. And he started returning from another way, but he was also very hungry. If he did not get food today, he would die, thinking that he would leave his fear and think that if he is dead, then why should he not go in the same direction and fill his stomach, whatever will be seen, and thinking, The direction from which the scary sound was coming from And what else does Shearar see, that a branch of a tree was hit with a ball so that the sound was coming out.And a big lion came to the jackal and went ahead and saw that a dead dog was lying down and he had full stomach food.

Moral Of the Story -

Friends are also with us as often happens in our lives. While reading towards your goal, many times you face problems, many of which do not have problems like Siyar thought that the voice that is coming from will harm it But if he had the courage, he got a full stomach food. To succeed in life, there is a small problem, he should face them with courage and keep his goal in mind. E time, our slightest fear takes us away from our goal very much.
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Panchtantra story -6

Once there was a fierce battle between two kings near a forest. One wins the second beat The armies returned to their cities. Simply, a drum of the army was left behind. Bhat and Bara who played with the army playing the drum used to tell stories of heroism at night.

The storm came one day after the war The drum rolled in the loud storm, the thickness went to a dried tree and tucked away. The dry twigs of that tree were stuck with the drum in such a way that the strong wind would hit the drum as soon as the wind was blowing and the sound would be a loud sound.

A jackal roamed in that area. He listened to the drum. He became very much scared. Before speaking such a weird voice, he had not heard of any animal. He began to think about what kind of animal it is, who speaks such a strong bid 'Dhamadam'. The jackal keeps on looking down the drum, to know that this creature is about to fly or running on four legs.

One day, he kept a watch on the drum after hiding behind the cushion. Then a squirrel jumped down from the tree and jumped on the drum. There was a sound of mild caudence. Squirrels on the squirrel drum dumped.

Ziyar murmured, 'Oh! So this is not a violent organism. I do not want to be scared too. '

Siyar was walking near the drum with a whispering move. Spy him He saw the head of the drum neither head nor feet. At that time the twigs hit the drums with the wind blows. The sound of Dhamam and the jackal jumped and went back.

'Now you understand', while trying to get up, she said, 'This is a shell outside. The creature is inside this shell. The voice is telling that the person who lives within this shell should be fat. Fat body full of fat That is when he speaks strongly. '

As he entered his lap, he said, 'O sister! Be ready to eat the feast I have come to know of a rough hunting. '

Sariyah began to ask, 'Why did not you bring him to death?'

Sierra reprimanded him, 'Because I'm not stupid like you. She is seated hidden within a shell. The shell is such that it has dry skin doors on either side. When I tried to put one hand on one side and try to catch him, he would not run away from the other door.

On the exit of the moon, both of them went towards the drum. When they were approaching, then the wind strikes the drum, and the sound of a dharmm sounded out. Saariar said in the ear of Siyari, 'heard her voice? Just think, whose voice is so deep, how much fat it will be himself. '

Straighten both the drum and sit on both sides and tear off both the sides of the drum with the felt teeth. As soon as the skin began to cut, the ceyar said, 'be smart. Put together a hand, kill the victim. '

Both of them put the hand into the drum with the voice of 'I' and started hugging inside. There was nothing inside. Came in the hands of each other

Both shout, 'Yes! There is nothing here. ' And they were beaten by the forehead.

Learning: People who boast big are also hollow from inside just like a drum.
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Accept the mistake English inspirational story

Accept the mistake English inspirational story

Mahatma Gandhi and Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan were imprisoned in a single jail. Although native-foreign jailers used to respect Gandhiji very much, but Gandhiji strictly adhered to the rules and discipline of jail. On the arrival of the jailer, Gandhi ji stood up in his honor.

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, who was called marginal Gandhi, disliked this modus operandi of Gandhiji. They said that the government which is misusing the country on this country, why should we recognize it and its institutions?

Gandhiji had said that wherever we are, we should follow the discipline of the country. One day, marginalized Gandhi, directly accusing Mahatma Gandhi, said that 'you respect the jailer' because he gives you more features than the rule. For example, we get a Hindi or English newspaper, but you also get Gujarati paper and magazines. You are so respected to the jailer. From the second day Gandhiji only took one newspaper and refuse to accept the remaining literature.

One month passed. Gandhiji continued to show the same respect to the jailer who he used to do before. How could this modality be missed by the marginal marginalization of Gandhi? They realized their mistake, they went to Gandhiji and started asking for forgiveness. Gandhiji laughed and embraced them. From the second day, the transit of Gandhi was changed and he too stood up in honor of the jailer and stood up in his honor.

Friends, this story tells us that a person should never hesitate to accept his mistake and respect everyone. We must learn this from the life of Mahatma Gandhi that we should respect every person, whether or not he is our relation or not.
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Panchtantra story -5 of dog

There was a dog in a village. She was very greedy He continued wandering around in search of food. But she did not get any food. Finally he found a piece of meat from outside a hotel. She wanted to sit alone and eat it. So he ran away with her and ran away.

Searching for a place of solitude - he reached the edge of a river. Suddenly he saw in his shadow of the river. She understood that there is another dog in the water, in her mouth there is a piece of meat.

He thought, why not take his piece too, then the fun of eating will be doubled. She barked loudly at him By barking, the piece of his own flesh fell into the river. Now he also lost his piece. Now he regretted and turned back to the village, hanging away.

Education from this story:

Greed is bad We should never greed. Any person who is greedy can never be happy in his life. We got whatever we could from our hard work or luck. He should get his job done.

But if we greed in the affair of a little bit more then we may have to go hand in hand as much as we have. Therefore, it is said that much greed is not good.

Friends! We sincerely hope that you must have liked these five famous stories of Panchatantra. Of course, give your opinion.
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Panchtantra story 4

Once a fox was very hungry. He kept wandering around looking for food, but from nothing he could not eat anything. In the end, after losing tired he reached a garden. There he saw a vine of grapes. On which the grapes were grazed.

He was very happy to see them. He wanted to eat grapes, but the grapes were very high. He began to get high giggles to get the grapes. But he could not reach them. He did this - he was very tired. After all, he went out of the garden and started to say that the grapes are sour. If I eat them I'll get sick.

Education from this story:

Friends, we should always find goodness in everything or circumstances. If we can not get anything, then he should not say bad. Many people have this problem that if they do not succes in any thing or they can not do any work, instead of seeing the weaknesses in themselves, they begin to draw shortcomings in that work. We do not have to speak like a fox, grapes are sour.
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Panchtantra story 3 of cat

There were two cats in a city. One day they found a piece of bread. They both started fighting among themselves. They wanted to share that piece of bread in two equal parts but they could not find any way.

At the same time a monkey was going out of there. He was very smart. He asked the reason for fighting cats. The cats narrated him the whole point He brought the scales and said, "Bring, I'll share your bread equally. He took two pieces of bread and placed it in one pocket. When he used to break the bread in the monkey's scales, the bread which was high in the palace, the monkey would break it a little and eat it.

There was a little bit of bread in this way. The cats sought their bread back. But the monkey put the remaining bread in the mouth too. Then the cats kept watching her mouth.

Education from this story:

From childhood you will have heard that we should never fight between each other. Any friend or family is very strong as long as they have mutual love and trust.

Once they start fighting each other, then other people also take advantage of it. They make this fight bigger and find their profits. So fighting is good to stay together. To solve any problem or trouble together.
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Panchtantra story 2 - fox

A fox was very hungry. He started roaming around in search of food to eradicate his hunger. When he did not get anything after wandering in all the jungle, he got disturbed by heat and hunger and sat under a tree. Suddenly he looked up. A crow was sitting on the tree. There was a piece of bread in his mouth. Seeing the crows, the fox filled the water in the mouth. He started thinking of a remedy for taking roti from crows.

Then he said to the crow, "Why bhai crow brother! Hey you sing the song very well. Will not you tell me the song? The crow was very pleased to hear her praise. He came in the fox As soon as he opened his mouth to sing the song, the piece of bread fell down. The fox quickly picked up the piece and ran away from there. Now the crow started reproaching her stupidity.

Education from this story:

This short story gives us a clear message that we should always be avoided by our false acclaim. Many times in our lives, we meet many people who give us false accusations to remove our important work. Once they take us away from us, then they do not even ask us after that. Therefore, always avoid false accusations.
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Story of panchtantra -lion

They were summer days. In the afternoon, there was a very severe heat. A crow was wandering around looking for water. But she did not get any water In the end, he reached a tired garden. He was sitting on a branch of the tree, suddenly he looked at a pit lying under the tree. He flew near the pitcher.

There he saw that there is little water in the pitcher. He bent down to drink water, but his beak could not reach the water. This was happening because the water in the pitcher was very low.

But the crow was not frustrated, but instead thought of ways to drink water. Then he got a remedy. He picked up the scattered skeleton around and started putting it in the jar. The water came up with constant pebbles in water. Then he drank water and then flew comfortably.

Education from this story:

Friends, wherever they are, there is a path. Crows were thirsty for water. He needed a lot of water. When he got water in the pitcher, he started searching for Idea and also managed to drink water. We must also learn from this story that if we have to achieve something or we have to be successful then first we should think within ourselves that we too must be successful.

If we increase our steps to succeed, then we will start getting easy access to success. The path and the necessity is always the mother of invention where there is a desire.
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Monday, 21 January 2019

Step of success

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Step of success

Vimal, along with his wife and 5-year-old son Krishna, went on holiday to a hill station. They were enjoying all three, the hills, the quiet atmosphere there, seemed like they were all three on a paradise. Son ever grabbed his father's hand and was enjoying a walk in mom's dock. The atmosphere there attracted 5-year-old Krishna, she was very happy with her parents. He enlarged his holidays and reached the railway station to go home. By reaching the station, Vimal thought that the path is too long, thinking that he should be caught for a meal, he went to a shop to buy some snacks. Krishna stood with his mother, suddenly a crowd gathered at the station, Krishna lost somewhere in the crowd. When Mummy did not find Krishna in front of her eyes, she became very restless, her eyes kept searching for Krishna. After some time when Vimal came and not seeing the son standing with his wife, she got very upset and started asking about Krishna. Both of them kept on looking at their son at the station, both were very upset and were crying, and their eyes were not taking the name of the tears to stop. He had a bad situation crying for two hours, he could not understand what to do! Then, the Railway Police Help Center got information that his child is safe and he has. They both reached the running police aid center and embraced his son. His son Krishna was also very scared, and after seeing his parents in front, there was a slight smile on his face. He reached railway station on Krishna, and this time Vimal told his wife, "I'll come to the house to get tickets, you keep holding Krishna's hand and do not leave it."

By saying this, Vimal went ahead to the ticket counter and soon came back with a ticket.

"Let's get our train on platform number 4, Vimal talked to his wife." "But our train is coming to the platform number 2? His wife told Vimal. "

Our train is coming to platform number 4 because now we are not going to Mumbai, our village, Bihar. - Vimal said.

But suddenly why did you change plans and why would we go to Bihar? -Well speech

Just think, we can not remove our son from our eyes for two hours, for a while only when he was away from us, we were so upset, he cried very much. When our 5-year-old son can not get away with our eyes for two hours, so can be disturbed, just think, what would have happened to my parents who have not seen me for so many years! Who would have been craving for a glimpse of me. It happened for so many years, neither did I talk to them nor did I know their movements. My parents never left my hand from childhood to youth, but when I grew up and succeeded, I began to feel that I had grown up now, I became big, so I left her hand and left. Did they grow me up because I could live my own world, leave them with them? Now I understand my mistakes, so now we will go to them, ask them for forgiveness of their mistakes, they need us with them, and also have me with them. By saying this, Vimal became emotional.

They both went with their son to catch Bihar's train and meet their parents.

Friends, our biggest success is our parents. Today many people forget their parents after they are successful, they begin to separate from them, leave them, remember that there is no value for such success that you should remove from your parents. In this world and in our country there is no shortage of people who disrespect their parents, do not respect them, hurt their heart, you are on the big office if your parents The behavior is stupid, you do not have to raspact them, even after having great success, you will prove to be a failure in your real life.

How much time did you spend quality time with your parents! Do you go out with your parents somewhere, do you enjoy their small Happy Movement with them! Such things matter to us very much. In this short life, try to give your parents all the happiness of the world as much as possible, respect parents and elderly people because this is the true success.
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Fear is a poison.-- article

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Fear is a poison.

Psychology clearly states that the fear of disease in a person creates tension in that part of the body and the disease is present in that organ. If you put a doubt in the mind of a weak person that there is a major disease inside him, then he will accept that thing and he will be afflicted with that big disease. Vast is the root cause of all diseases. When thoughts like despair, apprehension, sadness, poverty arise in your mind then at that moment it has an effect in every part of our body. We start thinking like that and that is what happens to us.

When we weaken our mind, then the apprehension surrounds us. Whenever there is any fear, remove it from your mind immediately, do not drink it. Do not be afraid of success, because it will make your mind so weak that you will be unable to overcome it.

Whenever we think about success, there is a duality in mind that despite the hard work we will succeed either or not! Often, due to Doubts, the mind starts to weaken, and we start thinking about quitting. Our fears not only weaken us, but also follow our steps.

Do not think of fears in any way, think about forgetting or extinguishing them, but rather confuse your mind into other actions. You can use good books to remove Mind from doubts, you can add yourself to positive people.

It is very necessary for success that we trust ourselves, go ahead with full courage, do not allow doubts to stay home, our doubts are like poisons, which eliminate our self-confidence. Be sure to be successful in your success, because when you believe you do not quit, you work and you succeed by staying ahead of your faith.

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Ego --good or bad?

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Aamir Khan has said a very good thing in Ghajini Movie, "I can not, no ... It's not my pride but I believe it. There is very little difference in belief and vanity. I can, that's my belief. Only I can do it, this is my pride. Keep faith with it, keep it with yourself, and if you come out of the door of the office, then it will be possible. "

Most people in this world are wasted due to their ego. They attach more importance to their ego than trust or trust. Both man's vitality and humor do not let him climb up the stairs of success. Because the world of an arrogant man begins with it and ends at the same end.

Often my mother says to me, "Get to the big point in life, why not become so big a man, I always remember one thing, do not let big successes stay home in your mind, never boast Because the house of arrogance is always empty. "The arrogant person does not like being a person, because an arrogant person always tries to humiliate others.

The person should be like the fruit of the mango tree, whose twig is fruit-laden and tilting. The more fruits, the more tends to bend. The real meaning of getting big successes is the same, we will have to bow down with humility like twigs of fruit, we can pride ourselves but not pride.

Differences in pride and ego

You work hard, and when you succeed, then there is a sense of humble satisfaction in you that is called pride. But when your success climbs on your mind then it takes the form of ego. Pride is important because it will make your heart big but not ego, because it increases your mind, your headache will increase due to your brain, but your heart will become bigger than 'pride', and your heart will be as big as your humility It will be more.

You do not know everything!

Most of us think that they know everything, they do not have to learn from anyone, yes it can be that you know a lot but at the day you say that you know everything, on that day you Call yourself an arrogant person. You know a lot but not everything. The arrogant person can not decide for a long journey in his life because his attitude is 'I know everything'.

Mahavandit Mahavid Ravana

Ravana is one of the greatest magicians of this land. Nobody in this world has the intellect like him. Every year in our country, they were remembered at Dussehra, why such a large scholar, courageous, effigy king's effigy is burnt every year, did Shriram kill Ravana, so that's why we celebrate Dussehra every year! Shriram had abolished the ego of Ravana. Ravana was very proud of himself that none other than him is mighty, and no one can kill him. Ravan's ego became the cause of their destruction. Their ego only killed them. If we think seriously about Ravana, the biggest thing we can learn from their life is that - the person who boasts, the person who is arrogant has nothing left, and one day all ends And he also gets ruined.

How to eliminate ego

There is a certain kind of pride within every person, it is a nature of man. When we find ourselves connected to the ground, then the question of falling below us does not arise. But when successful, when we take ourselves into the sky, we start throwing our mind, then we will not be late in falling down from the sky. Try as much as possible to keep yourself connected with this land, even after achieving great success, keep yourself the same as you were before. It does not mean that you live the same life, it means that you are not flying in the air, you are kind as humble, as a common laden ladder is a cast.

Do not let the ego get home in your head; otherwise, as soon as you have reached the stairs of success, you will not be late in descending from there.
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Importance of time for students

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Friends, today's article is for those students who want to do something in their life i.e., but they do not understand how much time has contributed to success. They are just spending time thinking that they have to make their life bright and forth. It is right to think that, as long as you do not see the dreams, how will you complete them? That's why dreaming is right, but you have to be ready for the form to make that dream a reality. You will need to focus on your time and make Student Life tough.

Importance of time for students

Friends have a lot of time in our lives, and especially if the students should worship only the time i.e. the time should be utilized. The children of reading children should have a different place in time. Everything should be done for them only because one second is very precious. We can get lost things, money, fame and even our health can get the same health again if we get bad, but we can not get back the time even after doing lakhs of effort. It is said that the wheel of time always keeps roaming so why do you do it on time. If we do all the work on time, we will not succeed, but success will run behind us. In life, only those people who know the value of time are successful. Time can not even be valued. It is an invaluable wealth. You can pay the price of books, those who are studying can learn the same again but they can not get back in the past.

How To Manage Student Time

Students should always keep in mind that they can manage time properly. They should do all their work at the right time or even before the time as it is my own experience that if we complete any work before the time, then we get more time to do other things. And our work can be done in the right way. Students should also use their spare time too. At that time, they should work only from their studies or work on them so that they can develop. They should stay away from the social media in the free time, because the children get involved in it so that they do not even care about reading. You may have noticed one thing that sometimes when we do not feel like reading it, we feel that let's just run a little bit of the phone and after that it will be read again but is it really that? ... as soon as the phone is our hands It comes in our studies which desert goes into the desert, we do not even have the senses and we get attached to the phone. Therefore, you should concentrate on something else other than the phone, such as sports, yoga etc .. If students know the importance of time, then they will never have trouble in life, because for a few seconds it is precious for the students .

Successful people using the right time

I would also like to give examples of some people who have used time correctly and today's success is on their stature. like -



Sachin Tendulkar

Bill Gates

Jeff Bezos etc ..

These people were those people who used the right time and today the whole world knows them.

Do not run behind the amenities

Friends, most of you students destroy their time behind the comfort features. These pleasures and luxuries are not permanent, they come and go, but your time is not back to you again. If you have to go ahead and do something big in your life and have to be successful then you will have to endure pain now. You have to relinquish your pleasure facilities so that you can improve yourself and achieve a bigger position.

It has been said in a verse of Sanskrit -

Sukhaarthin: Kusana Vidya, Student: Kushe Sukhan

Sukthaari and Tajyaya Vidya, Student and Tujyaya Sukhan

That is, the seekers do not get the education and those who want the knowledge do not get happiness. Those who seek happiness have to sacrifice their teachings and those who want the knowledge have to sacrifice happiness.

Friends, this stanza means if you think deeply, you will understand that if you love your studies, if you want wisdom, you need knowledge, you will have to endure pain now. You just have to remember your dream how can you reach there? In what way can you make your dream come true and when you think so, you will not need any more motivation. You will automatically move towards your goal.

Students who spend the priceless money at this time, or run behind pleasures and luxuries, they cry one day or two. So if we have to be successful in life, then we should have the time to be proven. Only then can we touch the heights and reach the peak of success.
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Moral of monk

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Monk learn

A monk used to live in a village, whenever he danced, he used to be a barrister. So whenever the people of the village needed Baris, they would go to the monk and request him to dance, and when he wanted to dance, it would certainly have been raining.

After a few days, four boys came to visit the village from the city, when they came to know that a sadhu's dancing performances, they are not sure.

In the pride of urban education, he challenged the villagers that if we did not dance then we would not even dance with that monk. Then what was the next morning in the morning, To the gentleman's cottage.

The sadhu was told the whole thing, then the boys started to dance, half an hour passed, and the first boy got tired but the cloud did not appear, in a while, the other did the same, and one hour passed - the other two boys also tired Gone, but it did not rain

Now the monk was the turn, he started to dance, an hour passed, the rain did not rain, the dancer continued dancing ... two hours had not been rained .... But the monk was not taking the name of the stop, gradually started dining in the evening. Only then did the roar of the clouds heard and the rain started crying. Boys are stunned
And immediately apologized to the monk and asked-

"Baba, why did it happen that our dance has not happened and did you dance?"

The sadhus replied - "When I dance, I take care of two things, the first thing I think is that if I dance, then Baris will have to be and the second will be that I will dance till the rains happen. "
Friends, those who attain success have the same qualities that they believe in being successful in whatever they do and they do so until they succeed. So if we have to achieve success, then we have to achieve our goal just like that monk.
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Moral story of farmer

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Farmer's learning

It was very cold. A farmer reached Miles on a Sunday on a hill on a hill. The church door was closed.

The farmer said in a loud voice, "Hey someone?"

The pastor came out, he was surprised to see the farmer, "Today is very cold, I did not even expect that someone will come in today's prayer, that's why I did not even make any preparation, now it is okay to do so much for just one man. Will it remain ... why do not we stay worship today and go to our homes and relax? ", Said the pastor.

"Sir, I am a simple farmer, I go to pigeon pigeon every morning, and if a dove is also there, then I must give it grain. ", Farmer said.

The priest was a little embarrassed to hear this, and he apologized to God in his mind and prayed in prayer, first he cleaned all the tablets, carrying the Bible on every table, burning the candles and worshiping with the whole law. Of

After 3-4 hours the prayer was over, the priest thanked the farmer for reminding him of his duty.

The farmer did not say anything and got up. On this, the priest asked, "What happened, there was no shortage in prayer?"

The farmer said, "What should I tell the priest? I am an ordinary farmer, but when I go for pigeons, and if the same pigeon comes, then all the grains do not feed him. "

The pastor once again realized that it is not necessary to perform his duties only, but he also needed to mold himself according to the circumstances, he wanted that only one man would prepare prayer by preparing for it, while all the people Got ready in preparation for
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Hawk flight - motivational story

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Chuktaa and licked all day long like it. Just like the rest of the chicks, he also flew just a little over, and the wings could come down and flutter. Then one day he saw an eagle flying in the open sky; Then he asked other chicks, "Who is that great bird flying so high?"

Then the chicks said - "Hey hey, King of the birds, he is very powerful and huge, but you can not fly like him because you are a chick!"

The child of the hawk believed it to be true and never tried to be that way. He lived like a chicks throughout his life, and one day died without even knowing his true strength.

Friends, many of us continue to live a second-class life without knowing our true potential, just like that hawk, the mediocrity around us makes us even mediocre. We forget that we can with There is a creature full of Nothing is impossible for us in this world, but still we lose such a big chance of living an average life.

Do not make you like chicks, on your own, trust your skills. Wherever you are, in the environment, identify your abilities and fly over the heights of the sky because this is your reality.
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Story of Monkey and Crocodile

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Monkey and Crocodile

On the bank of a river, there was a monkey on a bamboo tree, which had its friendship with the crocodile living in that river. The monkey used to keep the jaggery also for dinner. One day, that crocodile had some jambus with his wife Feed After eating tasty berries, he thought that the heart of the one who eats such a sweet fruit daily will be very sweet; he has the power to bring the monkey's heart with his husband.

The crocodile, forced by the wife also made a move and told the monkey that his sister-in-law wants to meet him, so he should sit on his back so that he can reach his house safely. The banker also believes in the matter of his friend, The boat and his back were aboard. When they reached the middle of the river; The crocodile thought that now there is no harm in telling the monkey the right thing and he has opened up the distinction that his wife wants to eat his heart. Bandar felt a push but he did not lose his patience and said to the speaker -

Oh, you did not tell me this thing before because I have kept my heart in the hollow of the jamun tree. Now quickly take me back to the banks of the river so that I bring my heart to my sister-in-law by giving them gifts; Make him happy

As the foolish crocodile came as a monkey to the banks of the river; Monkey jumped on the jamun tree loudly and filled it in anger - "Hey idiot, can anyone live without heart? Go, your friendship from today ends. "

Friends, this story read in childhood still inspires patience in moments of trouble so that we can compete with hard times. Second, always respect friendships.
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the Tortoise and the Hare

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the Tortoise and the Hare

It is a matter of time that in a jungle there was a race in a turtle and a rabbit. Just a little while while running, the rabbit turned back and saw that the turtle was far behind. He thought that the turtle's move is very slow, so I rest for a while. Now he slept in a cold shade of a tree that despite being a turtle, despite slow movements, overcoming it, reaching the destination, Won.
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Meaning of shastra

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1) Shastra means knowledge is the real eye of human beings, through knowledge, all our doubts and delusions can be pierced; introduction of truth and facts also makes possible through knowledge and the future results of their actions We can only guess by our knowledge

2) Do not recognize the futility of puberty, the arrogance of riches, the ambition of keeping all of us subdued and unreasonable, that is, the difference between right and wrong-even if we become victims if we become victims There is a complete possibility of being useless; And then where these fours are together then what to say!

As soon as the king listened to these verses, he came to the attention of his sons walking on their daily routine and never reading the scriptures. Now he became very distracted and started thinking-

The scholar says that it is successful in the birth of a person who, through his superiors, leads his race towards the path of progress; otherwise, in this transitional world, people are born again and again, become victims of death. ; A virtuous son is superior to the hundred foolish sons because he becomes the redeemer of his own total; Just as a single lunar night removes the darkness of night, while this work can not even make countless stars in the sky.

Now, King Sudarshan only began to dissolve in the same concern about how to make his sons virtue. Because -

Parents who do not have the opportunity of providing education to their children, they are enemies of their own children because when grown, such children do not get any prestige in the society, where the respect of the elders in the swan assembly? Secondly, no matter how much a person can be transformed, no matter how high the total of it, if it is knowledgeless, then society can not become worthy of respect as the statue of the Tuscany of Tesu can not be made.

Regardless of the worried and sad minds, the king has taken a firm determination that now it will not be right to sit with the help of fate, he will have to do only for the sake of the man. He would have convened a meeting of the Pandits, who lost no time, and the pundits coming in that meeting were extremely While speaking respectfully, he said, "Is there any kind of wise scholar who disobeyed me and my son, by the ethics? By making them successful, could they succeed? "

From a gathering of friends and scholars, a great consortium named Vishnu Sharma who was the philosopher of all ethics, the Guru stood up like Jupiter and started saying, "Rajn, your princes are born in your great place. In just six months By studying ethics, I can change their life. "The king said highly satisfied," Even a worm can become the beauty of the gentlemen's head with flowers. And the iconic one stone can also take the form of God's image by the great people, and of course you can also do this difficult task. "

Now, King Sudarshan, with great respect, handed his sons to Pandit Vishnu Sharma for education, and that scholar also gave them the scriptural sons of the king in just six months; Through the entertaining and inspiring stories of animals, animals and animals, knowledge of ethics has to be transformed so that their life has changed. Friends, these stories are called 'Panchantantra Stories' which are the basis of the book called Hitopada.

Let's read two famous stories of Panchatantra and also recollect your childhood and simultaneously 'inspiration' and 'learning'.
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Value of humnan

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A boy working with his father in the iron shop suddenly asked his father - "Father, what is the value of man in this world?"

Dad was shocked to hear such a serious question from a small child.

Then they said, "Son, it is very difficult to assess the value of a man, that is precious."

Children - are all equally precious and important?

Dad - yes sons

The child did not understand anything, he again asked the question - then why is there a poor person in this world who is rich? Why are some of the lesser respects of curiosity?

Upon hearing the question, Dad kept quiet for some time and then asked the child to fetch an iron rod in the store room.

Father brought the rod after asking - what will it cost?

Child - Rs 200

Dad - If I make a lot of small nails from it, what will it cost?

The child talked for a while, and then it would be expensive to sell around Rs. 1000.

Papa - If I make lots of clocks of this clock with this iron?

The child kept counting for a while and then immediately got excited and said, "Then its price will be very high."

Then Dad explained to her and said - "Similarly, the price of a man is not what he is, but what is it that he can make himself?"

The child had understood the point of his father.

Friends often make mistakes in calculating their true worth. We start looking at ourselves as valueless by looking at our present status. But we always have immense power. Our life is always full of probabilities. Many times our life is not good, but our value does not decrease. As human beings we have born in this world, it means that we are very special and important. We should always keep improving ourselves and keep growing towards achieving our true worth.
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Value of stone

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"Son, before your dying, your father left these stones, you go through it and go to the market and find out its value, keep in mind that you only have to know the price, do not sell it."
The young man went out with stones, firstly he found a woman selling a vegetable. "Amma, what can you give me instead of this stone?", The young man asked.

"Give it to me, instead of two carrots, give me this ... weighing will come." Vegetable quote.

The youth went ahead This time he went to a shopkeeper and wanted to know the value of the stone. Shopkeeper spoke-

"Instead, I can give as much as 500 rupees ... if you have to give it, then do not go ahead."

The young man went to a goldsmith this time. Goldsmith talked about giving 20 thousand rupees instead of stone. Then he went to a prestigious shop of diamond, where he got a proposal of Rs.1 lakh in lieu of stone, and finally the youth reached the city's largest diamond specialist and said-

"Sir, please try to tell the value of this stone."

The expert carefully inspected the stone and wondered, looking at the young man, said-

"It is an invaluable diamond, it is difficult to get such a diamond by paying millions of rupees."


Friends, if we think deeply, such a valuable human life is also there. It is a different matter that many of us do not know the value of it and like a woman selling a vegetable, it puts it in modest way.

Let us pray that God will give us the wisdom to understand this valuable life and we can judge the value of this life as a diamond expert.
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Inspiration story

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Lived in a colony of Calcutta.

His father used to run a furnace in which he used to make the milk cooked and cooked.

Subroto was a good boy, but it was a bad habit of fooling. He often asked for money from Dad and spent it on eating or drinking or watching movies.

One day Dad summoned Subroto and said, "Son, now you have grown up and you should understand your responsibilities. On the day that you keep asking for money and throwing it around it is not a good thing. "

"Father! Which one I take from you thousands of rupees ... for a few bucks you are giving me such a great lecture..If so much money can be returned to you whenever you want. "Subroto said getting angry.

Upon hearing Subroto, Dad became angry, but he had understood that no matter what the scolding, scolding will not happen. That is why they said, "This is a very good thing ... do this so that you do not give me more than just one rupee every day."

Subroto smiled and feeling himself won and went away from there.

The next day when Subroto came to father in the evening, they saw him and said, "Son, bring me 1 rupee."

Upon hearing her, Subroto feared and quickly returned from her grandmother with a rupee.

"Take Dad, I'm your one rupee!", And saying that he put the coin in the hands of father.

As soon as he took him, the father threw it in the coin.

"What did you do, why did you do this?", Subroto asked surprise.

Dad said,

What should you mean to you, giving you just Rs 1, then what I do, whatever I do.

Subroto did not even argue too much and left there quietly.

The next day when Dad demanded a rupee from him, he asked for money from his mother ... for so many days, he kept giving money to a friend and friend and gave him money and thrown him into the furnace.

Then one day it came, when everyone started refusing to give him money. Subroto began to worry about where he would bring a money to Dad.

Evening was going to happen, she could not understand what she did! He did not want to raise the embarrassment of not giving a single rupee. Then she saw a middle-aged laborer who was going from a rickshaw puller to some passenger.

"Listen brother, will you allow me to take this rickshaw for a while? In return I'll take you just one rupee ", Subroto told the rickshaw.

The rickshaw was very tired, she got ready soon.

Subroto started pulling rickshaw! This work was harder than he thought ... In his absence, his palms got sore, his legs started to hurt! Well in some way he completed his job and in return earned himself a rupee from his first life.

Today, with great pride, he reached Dad and gave Rs 1 in his palm.

As soon as the father took the rupture, he extended his hand to throw it in a furnace.

"Stop papa!", Subroto paused the hand of the father and said, "You can not throw it! This is my hard earned earnings. "

And Subroto told the whole sentence.

Dad stepped up and embraced his son.

"look son! For so many days I was throwing coins in the fireplace, but you did not stop me once but today when you saw your hard earned earnings going into the fire, it was completely frightened. Likewise, when you throw my hard earned money into things worthless then I feel so much pain, I too get nervous ... so understand the value of money whether it is yours or someone else's ... ever eaten it. Do not waste in! "

Subroto had understood Dad's point, he immediately touched his feet and apologized for his behavior. Today he had understood the value of a rupee and he resolved to mind that now he will never waste money.
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